Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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  • rsdang
    09-18 11:13 AM
    Seems like you have all the evidence you need... unless your lawyer screwed up...

    All the best...

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  • rahulp
    07-17 06:12 PM
    IV is basically saying EB3 folks stop all initiatives. Rather convert to EB2. It's comfortable to say IV core and decisionmakers are composed of EB2 folks.

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  • BharatPremi
    09-20 03:37 PM
    What's the incentive in becoming a State chapter member?

    What's the incentive for IV having you as a member?

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  • DoubleN
    03-10 04:19 PM
    My friend told by attorney that grace period is 270 days after H1B cancelled by employer. he can find the another employer / job during that period.

    Not sure!! but cross check with USCIS


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  • eb2waiter
    06-09 07:30 PM
    First decide whether we are FOR CIR or NOT.
    Looks like a lot of people have doubt on this basic question.

    The answer is not simple because of the various stages many people are in.
    In fact for me CIR in its current state is better. However, for a person who has not cleared the labor, cir will not be favorable, as he/she has to reapply.

    In my humble opinion we should just ask for one or two minor things, and this "comprehensive" approach of we are the "pork" in the bill is flawed.

    We should at the most ask for the basics. "recapture of past visas", and ability to file I-485 immediately. Highlight that this is only a matter of interpretation by uscis and no major law change. These two points itself will have IMMENSE benefit for us.

    Any change that is drastic like removal of visa cap for STEM etc, most likely will forever remain a dream.

    I can tell your case. If you apply now by EB you will get gc within 3 to 7 years time. If you apply by point system after 5 years of USA experience and you will have employer sponsor you will have 16 points more than those who are coming fresh to USA. So both point system and EB system you will get at the same time period. Process delay will be minimal as no labor or I140.

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  • bestin
    10-05 12:56 PM
    WD,i dont have problems with driving.I will come unless i have some last minute official breakdown calls on 19th at a different state.


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  • cards
    08-01 04:28 PM
    my company might use this one and i have no say on this. just wonder whether the new york office is good in regard to GC process.

    FRAGOMEN SUCKS TOTALLY - but unfortunately I got no choice - my employer uses these morons for immigration services. My reasoning is based on my experiences below:

    1. I have been mailing Fragomen for 3 MONTHS (YES THREE FULL MONTHS) to initiate my H1 extn 6 months prior to my visa expiry cause I had a need to travel outside the US in a short notice and I did not want to be stuck because of me not having my visa extn papers in time. Despite 5 e-mails and 5 voice mails - there was no response from FRAGOMEN. Escalated this with my company and we had a conference call to discuss this issue with Fragomen. Guess what FRAGOMEN's Client Service Manager had to say when I asked her about they not answering my e-mails and voice mails for 3 months - "I CANNOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION SINCE EVERYCASE IS DEALT DIFFERENTLY AND WE DECIDED TO INITIATE UR H1 EXTN 3 MONTH PRIOR TO UR VISA EXPIRY." WTF!!! Who the hell are they to decide on my professional/personal travel needs? I really wish I had their job - do nothing at all and when questioned say "I cannot answer that question".

    2. To make sure FRAGOMEN do not mess up my 485 as well, I asked them in the same call the time they would take to process and file my 485. The client service manager promised me that they would file my AOS in 4 business days from the day they receive all the documents from me. I made sure I sent all the documents including Medical Exam results in less than 2 days from the day we had this call. Guess how long they took to file my case - 3 full weeks - 15 business days!!!!

    For the kind of money they charge, the service is totally bad. FRA-DON'T-GO-MEN might be a better name these guys.

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  • 485_se_dukhi
    09-21 06:27 PM
    Hi Mpadapa,

    I also participated in meeting the lawmakers...Sept 18th to be exact.:) And yeah, I've been very nicely coached by Sumita on what to say and what not to...;)

    What I meant was meeting those reps who have not been contacted. And which can be done locally all over the country.

    I hope I'm clearer now...:)

    485_se_dukhi, thanks for U'r suggestion about meeting local lawmakers. Indeed that is exactly what ppl had done on Sep 17 - Sep 19. We just covered about 150 lawmakers thats just ~1/4 of the lawmakers. Everyone can do the lawmaker meets at their local office, it doesn't require lot of effort just a few phone calls and few hrs to spare. Atleast one person from U'r state chapter would have attended the lawmaker meeting, U should contact U'r state lead on this and proceed further. Also those people who already attended the lawmaker meets are coached on what (not) to say during such meets..

    I am sorry to say that "undocumented ppl" have more sponsors in Washington than that for EB-based immigration ppl:D We can sit and whine on forum, unless we take our issues to the forefront (lawmakers and media) no one is going to bother us:p Thats reality:D


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  • Hinglish
    03-21 03:45 PM
    Get a life.....As far as immigration is concerned...I know more laws than u could possibly think of..I have been in this immigration hell for more time than possibly u could think of...I am just asking u to read a few times before u post...
    Being an Indian does matter in this most of ur post ...u r referencing people from ROW...I understand what they would be feeling...that FYI was for u to understand that if I could get offended then people from ROW surely will...

    there r lot of people on EB3 ROW who are either nurses, engineers etc...They are well qualified...and u don't have a right to call them unskilled...Period..End the discussion

    All I can say is .... :) I didnt ... you called them that by wrongly inferring that from my posts

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  • rsrikant
    07-20 10:37 AM
    hey guys,

    please put me in loop also..
    my id is r s r i k a n t @ g m a i l . c o m

    i will appreciate if you let me know how you plan to file for 485 with out receipt no...


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  • sw33t
    09-22 12:37 PM
    Originally Posted by JisDeshMeinGangaBehthiHai
    >I did not go to DC because i did not want to get the green card this way.I >grew upwatching aunts,uncles coming from USA bearing gifts.I grew up >watching cousins go for USA for higher studies.It used to be so special. >Now its become so cheap. Now you guys have literally taken it to the >streets. There's no difference between those illegal immigrants and us. This >H1visa has ruined it for really smart students who come here on F1 with full >scholarship.
    >This software industry and these cheap bodyshopping companies made it >nothing more than a whore business.
    >My heart is broken. I dont care anymore.thats why i did not come to DC.

    I usually don't reply to threads which waste my precious hours during the most productive time of the day. I just couldn't help observe how retarded this person is. His handle talks great about his country. WTF is he doing here? And I assume he is on H1B. Is it fair to say he was raped by some company too? And what do you mean there is no difference between those illegal immigrants and us? Seriously, I just hope you are not retarded to a point that your stupidity is causing an aura of imbecility around you. Your heart ain't broken its just abnormal. By the way, the moment you start labeling people as smart and not so smart, you have underestimated something called "TALENT". No one promised that if you went to DC you are going to get your GC. Your real reason is that you are hiding under the excuses of your mind blaming the system, the people who use the system and the people who are used by the system. Do remember that you are part of the system and your actions, however futile they may get(which i doubt cuz you will be blaming the system for the next 20yrs), will still be governed by the system and not by your petty thoughts.

    Good luck and I really hope I don't meet you in person lest the aura of ineptitude is infectious!

    NOTE: And yes, I do apologize for the bitter reply which ironically doesn't compliment my handle.

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  • m306m
    04-29 01:40 PM
    Update: In the subcommittee hearing tomorrow let us expect our issues raised. IV has successfully communicated issues of IV community to the subcommittee members. Let us wait to see if all of those are addressed in questions. This is all possible due to support of members who contribute to help us with lobbying efforts.

    Thanks Pappu for the update.


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  • bigboy007
    06-10 10:17 AM
    cshen , i think ur q got answered in your own thread i believe , anyways its for LPR - Legal Permanent Resident not for EB based.

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  • golgappa
    08-20 09:04 PM
    Listen my friend I had a similar experience...

    The phone receptionist in DC very rude, she behaves like indian babu's, she is very arrogant..

    Long story short....

    Embassy of India - Washington DC (

    go to the above link, send them the letter with 10 Rs (20 cents) money order, explain your issue, explain the behavior of receptionist, and ask them why it happened like that..they will have to call you..that is the law..

    I did the same thing...



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  • skynet2500
    10-29 09:45 AM
    Thanks a Bunch. I will send the documentation ASAP.

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  • Jaime
    05-30 06:22 PM
    Let's go to churches and temples and pray that this amendment passes.


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  • Totoro
    05-20 07:01 PM
    Indeed it makes no sense that people who have families to support get nothing, while those who do not have families get it.

    Anyway, it is not over yet. I have been able to get congress to approve checks for military families, so anything is possible.

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  • jayg
    07-02 11:32 PM
    Anybody has experience with ILTC (New York) ? -Heard about this Desi law firm, they were handling my friend's GC filing , according to him they were not aware of latest filing updates & sent some I-485s to Vermont & California (based on I-140 approval) in May/June including his 485 & all those guys are screwed up now as dates are not current for them now.
    It also appears they didn't send all the initial evidence documents that were mentioned in I-485 form.
    -- Does not sound like a firm i would trust

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  • anilsal
    03-04 11:05 PM
    Assuming thay the information they will share is what all of us are seeking, it is not going to be a bad deal if we can find 500 people willing to chip in for this initiative (I am an optimist guys).

    If they are going to give out the information, then it should be ok to pay $5k.

    Questions are:
    a) How soon will the work be finished?
    b) Can they please integrate this request into their processes that they generate the numbers periodically, such that visa bulletins reflect demand appropriately?

    05-17 05:37 PM
    Sent email. Forwarded to few friends also.

    03-23 04:30 PM
    OP, Desi3933?

    I-797 validity dates determine employment authorization.

    Belle is incorrect, IMHO.

    Not a legal advice.
    US citizen of Indian origin

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